Gebrauchte LKW-Fahrzeuge
Gebrauchte LKW-Fahrzeuge kaufen von GERL
Gebrauchte LKW-Fahrzeuge von GERL Baumaschinen Österreich
Used Trucks and Used Vehicles – Information GERL Used Vehicles and Used Trucks
Every once in a while GERL also offers used vehicles and used trucks. GERL mainly focuses on used machines, however you can find also good offers for trucks and other vehicles from now and then LKW, especially used mobile concrete mixers, used concrete pumps, used low loaders or loader trailers, used tip trucks, used trailers, truck tractors and many more in different years of manufacture.
Manufacturers are mainly MB Mercedes Benz, MAN, Volvo, Scania, Unimog, Iveco as well as Goldhofer, Schwarzmüller, Frühauf, Kässbohrer, Kögel, Feldbinder, Müller-Mitteltal, Liebherr and many more.
You can’t find your desired machine? No problem: Please give us a call or send us an enquiry – we will find this special machine for you.
All our offers are ex work, excluding VAT, subject to prior sale.
Used machines are a matter of trust. We keep whatever we promise.